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Author: Joseph Mullen
Article source: Used with author's permission.
Everything else being equals a woman cannot drive a golf bail more distance than a man, because of one reason. Men are physically stronger than women. Strength and power connect to each other.
Power is a factor of muscle contraction. Muscle contraction moves the club over ones head and then as various muscle groups contract, the club accelerates making contact with the ball, sending it down the fairway. This is true of all golfing technique from driving to putting.
To improve the distance one drives off the tee all one needs to do is improve the strength of the muscles involved in that movement. It is that simple. Strength improvements call for a strength-training program. No amount of hours swinging the club will increase strength. It will increase ones skill connected to that specific movement.
Improved performance in sports participation needs special attention to several factors to change and enhance. These factors are (1) Physical Proportions (2) Skill Training (3) Strength (4) Flexibility (5) Endurance (6) Positive Imagery and Clothing.
Maximum performance of any sport demands a fitness training system that will consider these factors. The goal is, to improve strength, flexibility, muscle endurance, and concentration; therefore eliminating fatigue, reducing muscle and joint pain and improving mental focus.
1. It is impossible to change Physical Proportions. Bodily proportions are a result of genetics and contribute to success, even if the athlete lacks average amounts other certain elements. Genetics combine individuality such and the length of ones arms, torso, legs and other more complex elements such as the neuromuscular system, all which determines our "natural ability."
2. Skill Training calls for one to practice the sport of choice. Practice is very important and is a major contributor to improved performance. Skill levels come only from repetitive practice of the movements involved in golf. Consider that only perfect practice makes perfect. Seek the guidance of a professional.
3. Strength is about ones physical power and is of supreme importance for women, and often misunderstood. Property developed strength can prevent injuries to muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones.
Strength is the major element needed to help the body absorb the impact forces connected to golf and other events in daily life. Strength also allows one to hold skill positions better, longer, enables rhythmic movements without fatigue, and reduces the chance of poor body positioning.
Proper strength training will produce a corresponding improvement in endurance
4. Flexibility is the complete range-of-motion around a joint or joints of the body. Stretching can improve flexibility. To do so, stretch slowly and hold maximum range positions for at least twenty seconds for best results. Do not bounce during the stretch. Fast movements in various directions will not improve flexibility. Proper strength training will improve flexibility.
5. Endurance is a requirement for some sports such as long distance running. Golf does not need high levels of endurance. However, high energy levels call for mental focus to sustain consistency in the skills needed for 18 holes of golf. Energy comes from the food one eats or drinks.
A major Improvement in high-energy food is the recent development of nutritionally correct food bars. These bars provide adequate calories and nutrition as found in a typically healthy, low calorie meal, prepared at home.
The nutrient balances provide just the right mix of protein, carbohydrate, and fat percentages. This blend of nourishment provides high energy and helps the body, mind, and spirit to function at maximum capacity, for extended periods.
6. Positive imagery is mentally focusing on the skills connected to golf, always focusing on getting successful performance. These mental skills are practiced anywhere, anytime and will contribute to improvement of ones sport performance.
First, however, you must understand the skills involved in the sport. Learn the skills from a competent instructor. Then, you must practice these skills in your mind's eye several times a day. Perfect mental practice makes perfect performance.
(7) Clothing which provides adequate protection from the weather is mandatory. It must provide freedom of movement to serve its purpose, and clothing makes one look cool on the course.
To achieve maximum performance in minimum time, consider adding a properly designed, total fitness regimen to your lifestyle.
Joseph F Mullen
Author/Consultant/Fitness Coach Joseph Mullen is a life long practitioner of fitness and sports improvement.
He has worked on the national level with major corporatios, such as Nautilus Sports Medical Industries and MedX West and owned several fitness and physical therapy facilitites.
He is the author of numerous books, national magazine and newspaper articles, with appearances on numerous radio and television appearances.
His latest book is The Da Vinci Fitness Code, which is available from him at --