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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yes Even Tiger Gets Advice

Yes Even Tiger Gets Advice

When you know that the best golfer in the world takes advice from others it makes you wonder why so many people think they can play golf without any instruction.

Golf is a highly technical game that involves all aspects of the mind and body yet people still think they can 'sort it out' themselves.

The reality is; Tuition from a good golf professional, not one of your mates, can do more for your game than any amount of advice that you might get from fellow players.

In fact, getting advice from other players, no matter what their handicap is, could be the worst thing you could do.

You need someone experienced, who can see the faults in your stance and swing and then teach you what is needed to correct those problems.

The longer you continue to play with incorrect action the harder it will be to retrain yourself later on.

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Sunday, November 23, 2008

So Do You Slice

So Do You Slice

The problem with most poor golf techniques is the fact that they get worse the longer they are left unaddressed.

Many people have a problem slicing the ball when driving off the tee than virtually any other area.

Go to and public golf course any day of the week and you will be sure to find someone slicing the ball.
Even players with single digit handicaps can slice the ball on a regular basis.

Some people even adjust their game to allow for a slice that they can't seem to cure.

The more most people try to cure their slice the worse it seems to get and even professional tuition from golf pros can take quite some time to resolve this issue.

What makes it all the more frustrating is the fact that during the week when you were at the golf range all your drives where as straight as a die.

So you arrive at the course for your weekend game and it all falls apart again.

The majority of golfers just accept that they have a problem and do nothing about it, resigned to the fact that it is an inherent problem with their game that they can't seem to fix.

Unfortunately problems like this put a dampener on the pleasure you can get from your game, so it is certainly worthwhile addressing the issue.

Spending money on new golf clubs, or changing the types of golf balls you use won't solve the problem.
It needs to be addressed as soon as possible as it will generally tend to get worse.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do Warm Balls Travel Further?

It is a fact that a warm golf ball will travel further than a cold ball all things else being equal.

The reason for this is the fact that the added heat affects the compression of the ball.

It is hard to say how much heat would be needed to gain extra length and the gain in distance would be relatively minimal anyway.

Having said that, golf is all about making gains, no matter how big or small in as many areas as possible.

There are some golf pros who prefer to carry their golf balls in their pocket as this helps to retain heat in the ball, so whether it helps mentally or actually enhances the actual distance they get, it is going to benefit them at the end of the day.

If you are playing in particularly cold conditions the ball will lose it's heat

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