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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Improving Your Golf

Happens With Confidence

If improving your golf was all about the swing, then why do we have balloon-score rounds right after taking our lessons and spending hours on the practice range? Because golf is a mental game right?

The meaning of the word "confidence" and how it applies to golf is everything for improving your golf and what happens to us on the course when we're playing. . The greatest shot killer is not bad mechanics, it's DOUBT!

Also remember Brad Faxon's words: "most golfers just suffer from too much doubt when it comes to putting."

If you haven't experienced doubt on the putting green before and seen it's ugly effects, then you are already the greatest putter in the world and I want to know your secret.

So many top pros have recounted in interviews that the best putting they ever did was when they were in their teens. Why? Because they had their best mechanics? Because they have a more steady nervous system in their youth? No, it's because they are full of confidence and have reached a basic fundamental skill level. They have very few past failures and disappointments that cut into their natural cockiness. And that's all you need! The best putters in the world have long recognized this.

Do you remember being a teenager and you felt invincible? Like you could do anything and nothing bad would happen to you? As we get older, things happen to us and we become more afraid to try things and we get closer to our own mortality.

When I was a teenager, I can remember being unafraid to go swim out to 10 foot waves in the ocean so that I could ride them in with my little blow up raft! Getting rescued by the lifeguard one time cured me of that real quick. I went river rafting once and after running a class 3 rapid, walked back up to the beginning of the rapid and SWAM it! I can also remember jumping off a 50 foot cliff overhanging a lake without knowing what was under the water. I look back at those times and think "how in the world did I ever survive being a teenager?"

Could you go back to that time, in your head and create that state that is stored in your unconscious mind for confidence? Of course you can, just call upon your memories of those events and re-experience them right there on the course.

And that's all there is to it. They are just feelings you've had in the past and your memories can bring you there again. Those memories are your most powerful weapon to managing your mental state when you are improving your golf game. Manufacture confidence and remove doubt and watch your scores drop!

By: Craig Sigl

Article Directory:

Craig Sigl, the Golf Anti-practice expert, is a Master and Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Empowerment techniques. He plays to a 5 handicap and teaches his methods worldwide. Visit Golf Instruction tips to receive 2 free digitized golf books: "Solve Your Golf Problems" and "Why You Can Improve Your Game Without Practice."

Improving Your Golf

Happens With Confidence

If improving your golf was all about the swing, then why do we have balloon-score rounds right after taking our lessons and spending hours on the practice range? Because golf is a mental game right?

The meaning of the word "confidence" and how it applies to golf is everything for improving your golf and what happens to us on the course when we're playing. . The greatest shot killer is not bad mechanics, it's DOUBT!

Also remember Brad Faxon's words: "most golfers just suffer from too much doubt when it comes to putting."

If you haven't experienced doubt on the putting green before and seen it's ugly effects, then you are already the greatest putter in the world and I want to know your secret.

So many top pros have recounted in interviews that the best putting they ever did was when they were in their teens. Why? Because they had their best mechanics? Because they have a more steady nervous system in their youth? No, it's because they are full of confidence and have reached a basic fundamental skill level. They have very few past failures and disappointments that cut into their natural cockiness. And that's all you need! The best putters in the world have long recognized this.

Do you remember being a teenager and you felt invincible? Like you could do anything and nothing bad would happen to you? As we get older, things happen to us and we become more afraid to try things and we get closer to our own mortality.

When I was a teenager, I can remember being unafraid to go swim out to 10 foot waves in the ocean so that I could ride them in with my little blow up raft! Getting rescued by the lifeguard one time cured me of that real quick. I went river rafting once and after running a class 3 rapid, walked back up to the beginning of the rapid and SWAM it! I can also remember jumping off a 50 foot cliff overhanging a lake without knowing what was under the water. I look back at those times and think "how in the world did I ever survive being a teenager?"

Could you go back to that time, in your head and create that state that is stored in your unconscious mind for confidence? Of course you can, just call upon your memories of those events and re-experience them right there on the course.

And that's all there is to it. They are just feelings you've had in the past and your memories can bring you there again. Those memories are your most powerful weapon to managing your mental state when you are improving your golf game. Manufacture confidence and remove doubt and watch your scores drop!

By: Craig Sigl

Article Directory:

Craig Sigl, the Golf Anti-practice expert, is a Master and Trainer of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Empowerment techniques. He plays to a 5 handicap and teaches his methods worldwide. Visit Golf Instruction tips to receive 2 free digitized golf books: "Solve Your Golf Problems" and "Why You Can Improve Your Game Without Practice."

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Effective Golf Stretching Exercises for Your Game

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Club's, woods and lots more"

Effective Golf Stretching

Exercises for Your Game

The singlemost important golf fitness factor for your golf
performance is flexibility. The less golf fitness stretching
exercises you do, the less flexibility you have, the worse your
game. It's that simple. Ignorance of the proper golf stretches
and lack of flexibility are responsible for keeping the games of
many players from ever reaching their full potential - on all

No equipment breakthroughs, no magical flying golf balls, no
$300 lessons and no 'electrically charged' bracelets will ever
take the place of what a proper golf fitness stretching exercise
program can do for your game.

With the right golf stretching exercises, the easier and further
your body can turn, the better, more powerful, your swing is.

Moving the club head over a greater distance allows for the
generation of more club head speed, hence more distance on the

So, What Does The Ideal Golf Stretching Exercise Program Consist

1) It must include several key compound stretches - stretches
that elongate several joint areas at the same time - mimicking
natural movement patterns. Allowing the golfer to be more
accurate through enhanced fitness flexibility, body awareness &

2) It must include a series of single or double joint golf
stretching exercises. The effects of these stretches increase
exponentially when the specific body movement requires several
of these joints to move in coordination with each other (ie -
the golf swing).

3) It must follow a symetrical protocol - the true key to
maintaining optimal muscle/tendon/joint balance on both sides of
the body. This allows for enhanced golf swing power without a
large increase in swing effort. And this is also very important
to chronic and acute injury prevention - and hence fitness and
playing longevity.

4) It must offer several golf fitness program variations. A long
version for regular training days and a short version for
Pre-Round Stretching. A few variations with the large exercise
ball should also be included (extremely important for the
golfer) along with a couple of club stretches to do just before
tee-off & between holes if necessary.

5) It must be realistic & easy to do for golfers at any fitness
level with no equipment except for a stretching floor mat (and
an exercise ball for certain stretches).

6) It should be thorough - addressing the head and neck all, the
way down to the feet. Remember, the golf swing is a full body

7) It should feel good - especially afterward. This type of
stretch routine should make you feel as if your posture is
immediately better & you should feel stronger - just because
your body moves so much easier & more fluidly. You should almost
feel like you could rip the cover off a ball if you were to hit
one right after your golf fitness stretch routine.

8) It should cause some of your golf buddies to become 'hateful
enemies'. Once you start bombing your drives & ripping your iron
shots 'the boys' are not going to be very happy with your
new-found golf fitness abilities - they will be 'green' with

9) Multi-plane, rotational floor stretches are a must. Glute,
piriformis & IT band stretches are a must. Heel (Achilles) and
calve stretches are a must. Hip flexor, quad, and groin
(adductor) stretches are a must and have to be included in any
golf fitness flexibility program.

10) Neck, trapezius & shoulder girdle stretches must be
included. Chest, arm, abdominal and oblique stretching exercises
must be included. Upper, middle & lower back stretches must be

11) A complete golf flexibility exercise session should take you
no longer than 45 minutes on a long program and no longer than
14 minutes on a 'quick golf stretch'.

The starting point of your optimum golf fitness exercise program
should place priority on the flexibility component. A carefully
crafted stretching program, consisting of the right golf
exercises, should be the foundation for which the rest of your
golf performance conditioning program is built upon.

About the author:
Joey Atlas, Exercise Physiologist, is the mastermind behind The
<a href="">Best Golf
Stretching Exercises</a>.

Go to for more tips,
helpful advice & information.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Golf During Pregnancy

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authority on golf with over 800 Golfing articles

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Club's, woods and lots more"

Pregnancy is a delicate phase of any woman's life but being active and keeping fit during pregnancy is beneficial. In all cases, though, consult your physician or gynecologist before considering any exercise or sport.

Of course, it's common knowledge that you have to avoid strenuous activity and exercises and routines that would be detrimental to the progression of pregnancy. These include any excessive weight-bearing exercises and routines that would make you extremely exhausted.

A general rule of thumb is that in most cases, if you have been physically active before your pregnancy, you can continue at a slightly lower pace of activity during pregnancy. In no circumstance should you try to exceed your pre-pregnancy level of activity while you are pregnant.

During early pregnancy, your little baby, in the form of a fetus, is very firmly attached to the wall of your uterus. So, you can definitely continue your getaways on the green. Your golf swing will definitely not dislodge baby. Only, don't swing with too much gusto! Why? During pregnancy, your body becomes more supple. You might feel more flexible but that's only because your hormones are causing your ligaments to relax and get softer in preparation for delivery. And, in this condition, your body is more susceptible to strain from activity. So, over-activity on your part could result in painful joints.

What about bumps and falls sustained during a sporting activity? Up to 10 weeks into your pregnancy, you do not need to worry too much about these little accidents. The precious fetus is still surrounded by the protective bones of the pelvis--it has insurance against accidental falls.

What if you are a newbie to the golf scene and you want to make your inroads when you just find out that you are pregnant?

You can safely take up golf during early pregnancy even if you haven't been all that physically active before. Bear in mind that your body is changing and there might be discomforts that you would have to put up with. These include tender breasts, frequent urination, getting easily fatigued, and in some cases, light-headedness and nausea.

If you have any back problems or varicose veins, those conditions could get exacerbated during pregnancy and it would help if you do not engage in activities that require you to be on your feet for extended periods. And that would make golf one of them.

As your pregnancy progresses, you may experience more of aches and pains. This is because your body shape is changing according to baby's growing needs. This will also affect your posture. You might experience aches in your back, neck, and legs as a result. Your lower ribs and spine may be displaced a bit to accommodate baby and this could put stress on your diaphragm, making difficulty in breathing something you notice for the first time.

And, it may not be as comfortable to make those swings once your bulge begins to show. Of course, you will feel heavier too. But, as long as you're not causing too much discomfort to yourself, swing away, girl!

If you are a golfer mom and you're pregnant again, and especially if you are in the later stages of pregnancy, you might find that your posture is different now than it was in your earlier pregnancies. This is because as baby finds less space within your abdomen to move about, he or she adopts the most comfortable position. This may not be the same position that your previous child adopted while in the womb. And, you have to make postural changes accordingly. If these changes conflict with your pers

Author: Jerry Strain

Article source: Used with author's permission.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Play With A Fairway Wood You Can Use

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authority on golf with over 800 Golfing articles

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Your Choice of


The modern golf ball and the launch dynamics (angle and spin rate) on your new Driver are all designed to get the best results from a golf ball that gets up quicker and then travels at a higher trajectory for longer. While the touring professionals understand that, most amateur MALE golfers are still driven by a testosterone-fuelled belief that less loft reflects on their manhood.

The fact is that most golfers should be looking at 11 and 12° and even higher lofts on their Drivers. Of course, embracing that theory has a knock-on effect. If you have a 12° Driver, what’s your first Fairway Wood?

I would like to start from another point. One that is based on the fact that there is a limit to the number of clubs you can carry and that every golfer should have at least three Wedges in their bag (Pitching, Gap and Sand Wedge). Assuming that you have Irons (or hybrid equivalents) through to 3-iron, that will leave you with space for two Fairway Woods.

You used to see a 2, 3 and 4 wood in the bags of the best players. Now many Pros carry just one Fairway Wood. The wiser amateurs can be seen with a 5 and 7-wood, there are even 9 woods and higher.

But ask yourself: are you carrying a Fairway Wood in your bag that you never hit off the fairway. If you are not prepared to take a lesson and practice then throw it out.

The lowest number on your Fairway Woods should be one that you can hit consistently from the fairway. I see a large number of golfers carrying a 3 and 5-wood and never using the 3-wood off the fairway. If that’s the case for you then junk the 3-wood and add a 7-wood or even another hybrid to your bag.

Golf is about playing shots that you can control and making sure you have the maximum range of clubs that you can play to make those shots. Have a think about the Fairway Woods in your bag and come chat to me if you think I can help with advice.

By the way, if you haven’t got a Gap Wedge, then please don’t wait. Get one now.

For the best advice visit your local PGA Golf professional

By: PGA Pro

Article Directory:

James Langmead PGA Qualified Golf Professional and former Callaway Club fitter of the year


Friday, February 02, 2007

Do You Want a Golf Swing Plane Training Aid?

Click HERE to go to Golf Masters Games the

authority on golf with over 800 Golfing articles

Click HERE for all your golfing equipment, "balls

Club's, woods and lots more"

A golf swing plane training aid is a fun way to improve your
swing. Many beginning golfers think that improving their swing
has to be a lot of work, but it doesn't. Swinging your clubs
around is supposed to be the best part of playing golf. Using a
swing training aid is a great way to get the feel of what your
swing should be like, but you don't want to become dependant on

Just for the Fun of It

Golfing is a fun sport that many people take too seriously. When
you go out to play a round of golf, you are usually doing that
to help you relax. So instead of worrying about your golf swing
plane... have a little fun and relax.

A swing plane training aid can is a fun alternative to trying to
fix your swing plane on your own. With the training aid, your
swings will soon be exactly how you want them. PGA professionals
use training aids when they are working on their own swing.

If you're into sports, then you know how much dedication it
takes to get better at any sport and golf is no different. You
can't just pick up a club and expect that you will know exactly
how to swing it. By spending time on the golf course, you will
be able to pick up new tips and tricks from the other people you
are golfing with.

When to Use a Training Aid

A training aid should be used when you need that extra boost to
help you find the right swing. With a swing training aid you can
over do it, so you do not want to use it for hours at a time.
Only use the training aid for a short ten to fifteen minute
period, then try to mimic that swing with your regular golf

It is important to get back to your regular golf club and
practice your swing. To improve your golf swing, you can
alternate between a swing training aid, swinging your own club,
and regular golf play. You will soon have the feel of what a
good swing plane looks and feels like.

Golfing is a great sport that is fun for the whole family. You
can spend an hour or a whole day at the course and never really
get tired of it. How many other sports can you say that about?

Although it may take many years to get your golf game to the
point that you want it to be at, you can have fun and enjoy the
process of becoming a better golfer. Every day that you are out
there playing golf, you will be getting better and better at it.

So the next time you are slaving over your swing and getting
angry at your slice... just remember that golf is supposed to be
fun. Also remember that every day on the golf course is a good

Improving your golf swing can make an already enjoyable game
into a true pleasure! For helpful articles, resources and tips
on getting to the hole faster than the rest of your buddies,
visit us at: href="

Author: Remy Jirek


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