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Sunday, October 26, 2008

So Do Balls Make a Difference?

So Do Balls Make a Difference?

What are the benefits of changing your golf balls?

As there are continuing developments in all aspects of the sport, from the design of the golf clubs to the type of golf balls we use, it becomes all the more important that you use what's best for YOUR game, and that can even mean a change of the type of golf balls you use.

To ensure consistency with your game you will need to use the same balls in practice that you intend to use when you are playing in tournaments.

This is not quite so imperative when practicing at the driving range where you won't be expected to lose a bucketful of high dollar golf balls amongst the driving range hacks.

You will need to use your preferred balls when practicing your short game, as the type of ball you use will determine the distance you can expect from your swing.
You need to be assured that the practice swings you do in training, will equate with the same performance on the course.

Golf balls have had more development than any other sports ball and that development continues to improve the quality of our game beyond what many golfers understand.

You need to choose the ball that best suits your swing and this decision can have as big an impact on your game as choosing the correct golf clubs.

There are three main categories of golf balls.

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Constant Small Improvements = Long-term Success

Constant Small Improvements =
Long-term Success

You should analyze your game after each and every shot.
Look where the ball went and question what you did to get that result, yes both right and wrong.

Information and education will assist in improving your game.
Get that information from recommended books and videos.
Get it from golf professionals who know what they are talking about, but always be wary of getting advice from friends and playing partners.
There are always people willing to give you advice but bad advice is a lot worse than no advice at all.

If the ball has gone somewhere other than the right direction, check your alignment and see if your final stance is correct.
There will be a lot of information as to why your shot has gone astray.
You can look at the ground and observe the path of your club.
Look at the position of your feet after the shot.

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Consistency is the Key

Consistency is the Key

Consistency is the hardest part of golf.
It is not possible for any human, Tiger Woods included, to hit the golf ball perfectly 100% of the time.
What good golfers can do however is consistently hit the ball very well most of the time, and near perfectly quite a lot of the time.

It is this consistency that sets them apart and even those at the top of their game have days when they don't get their shots right enough of the time.

There is only one thing that can really help any golfer get that consistency and that is through practice.

But there is another matter that needs to be addressed when talking about consistency and golf and that is - Consistently bad shots.

The more you do anything consistently the more it will become natural behavior and this applies to poor technique too.

The sooner you address poor golf techniques, the sooner you will be able to practice the correct methods that will replace them and make those actions second nature.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are You Playing with the Right Golf Balls?

Are You Playing with the Right Golf Balls?

Many people buy their golf balls based on economics ( expensive mistake ). Not only in cost but also confidence
If your game is not up to par and you think those water holes are looking a little ominous, you are more likely to buy a box of cheaper balls knowing that the pain won't be as great if a few of them get lost in the 'drink'

If you are looking for peak performance, then your choice of golf ball is crucial.
Golf ball selection can be as important to the success of your game as the clubs you will be carrying around the course.

Your golf balls need to be matched to your swing and your style of play.
If your style and golf balls are mismatched then you cannot hope to get the best results (plonk your in the water ).

Sure, they might all look the same, but golf balls are technologically advanced balls, and all of them are designed with a specific purpose in mind.

There are balls for all different levels of skill, from the beginner to the pro, and within those levels there are balls designed specifically to match various playing styles.

The balls are designed with different densities that allow for varying levels of spin, distance and control.
The various types of covers on the balls
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Saturday, October 11, 2008

Are You Still Thinking about Your Last Shot?

Are You Still Thinking about Your Last Shot?

Will the last shot you played determine where the golf ball goes this time?

You might be surprised to realize that for many people the shot they have just played will have a major impact on their next shot.

The golf player who can switch his mind off that last shot, and move on, will always have a decided advantage over the competition.
If you are one of the many golfers who let their previous performance affect the rest of their game, then retraining your mind will do more for your game than all the tuition that any golf pro can give you.

How many times have we seen Tiger Woods play winning shots from out of the rough?

How many times have we seen him come from behind to win major tournaments?

There is one thing that other players will never do, and that is to write Tiger off if he has not been having a good game. This is because they know he has the mind power to put everything behind him.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Perhaps You Are A Leftie?

Are You a Leftie?

We can't blame the golf club manufacturers for targeting their most profitable market of right-handed golfers, but it is quite difficult for those golfers who play left handed to find the selection offered to the mainstream players.

I have known a few golfers who made the change early on by training to play right handed but this is unrealistic for most people.

You should be playing in the most natural manner possible and if that means left handed then so be it.

Unfortunately with everything these days it all comes down to economics and profitability and there just isn't enough money to be made for many manufacturers in the left-handed market.

The percentage of left handed players to right handed players is somewhere in the region of 8 percent so the market is quite small, although it is a niche market that some manufacturers are targeting albeit at more expense in most instances.

But there is always a silver lining to the problems that we might encounter.

At a recent after tournament function I was introduced to an elderly gentleman who was playing on a low handicap and had done so for many years.

During the discussion he mentioned left-handed clubs and the fact that he had started playing left handed initially

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Which Are You Better on the Front or Back Nine?

Looking at the way you perform through the course of a game can give you a lot of powerful information that can be transferred into results the next time you play.

I have talked to many golfers and there seems to be a consistency with a lot of them relating to their performance on the front nine compared to the way they play on the back nine in most tournaments.

Not that there is a consistency in their game, but a consistency in the part of the game where they consistently fare worst.

Some people struggle to get their game right for the first nine holes and then improve on the back nine, whilst others start off fine and then fade on the last nine holes.

It is like there is a switch that gets flicked half way through the game and their performance changes in one direction or another.

There is always a reason why this is happening and targeting that reason can result in some excellent improvements to your score.

More often than not the second nine holes result in a poorer performance and this can be due to a number of factors.

Those factors can be fatigue or a lack of hydration.

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