Lets Use Golf Technology
Lets Use Golf Technology
There is a lot of technology that goes in to the development of many golf products, from the clubs to the golf balls, which have more technological input than any other type of sports ball.
Sometimes you wonder where it might end but there is a lot more exciting development yet to come.
Imagine never having to worry about losing your golf ball again, unless of course it lands in a water hazard.
GPS tracking might be the next step to help you find your golf ball no matter where you might hit it.
The technology is already there to embed devices into golf balls so they can be tracked via GPS.
There will be the inevitable increase in price but think of all the money that you could save by never losing a ball again.
If you consider the number of balls that are recovered on golf courses each week that could add up to a substantial saving across the board.
As these devices become smaller and smaller their applications become more plausible with items such as balls that can be tracked.
There would be a market for such a ball, and where there is a demand someone will certainly decide to supply it sooner or later.
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