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Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lets Use Golf Technology

Lets Use Golf Technology

There is a lot of technology that goes in to the development of many golf products, from the clubs to the golf balls, which have more technological input than any other type of sports ball.

Sometimes you wonder where it might end but there is a lot more exciting development yet to come.

Imagine never having to worry about losing your golf ball again, unless of course it lands in a water hazard.

GPS tracking might be the next step to help you find your golf ball no matter where you might hit it.

The technology is already there to embed devices into golf balls so they can be tracked via GPS.

There will be the inevitable increase in price but think of all the money that you could save by never losing a ball again.

If you consider the number of balls that are recovered on golf courses each week that could add up to a substantial saving across the board.

As these devices become smaller and smaller their applications become more plausible with items such as balls that can be tracked.

There would be a market for such a ball, and where there is a demand someone will certainly decide to supply it sooner or later.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

Do You Get the Right Feel for Putting

Do You Get the Right Feel for Putting

Putting is all about 'feel' and there is no better way to get the feel of your putter than by blocking out all other outside distracting factors.

You are probably wondering how you might be able to do this.
Try closing your eyes for a moment and see how you can focus more easily something.
Just the action of closing your eyes will eliminate more than half of the distraction that we encounter constantly throughout the day.

So this is lesson in playing golf with your eyes closed.
Seriously - this is a great way to perfect your putting by getting the right 'feel'

You won't need the ball initially - just the putter and you standing on the green.

Now get into your normal putting stance and visualize a ball on the ground and line it up with the hole.
Swing your putter, as you would do if you were to hit a ball.

Now do it again with your eyes closed and become aware of the pressure of your hands on the grip.
Feel the lightness of your grip and the weight of the putter hanging in your hands.

As you swing gently, be aware of the club as it grazes the grass on the green.

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Lets Get Out of Trouble

Lets Get Out of Trouble

It is always best to stay out of trouble in the first place and that is why learning to control the ball and place it where it should be is the fastest way to a better score rather than relying on big drives off the tee.

Unfortunately that is not always the case and as golf is constantly challenging us to perform better and better we strive to go for more distance or attempt shots that we aren't 100% comfortable with.

Obviously the inevitable will happen and we will need to decide how to get out of the rough and salvage the hole.

All too often golfers make the wrong decision by not erring on the safe side and accepting that one more shot or a different iron might be a better solution.

You might think you can clear that tree with a 7 iron but if there are any doubts whatsoever it will be wise to select a 'safer' 8 or 9 iron just to be sure.

Consider using a pitching wedge if you aren't completely sure you will make the shot with the 9.

A safe shot can set you up for a good recovery by placing

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Sunday, December 07, 2008

So Get a Grip On Your Game

So Get a Grip On Your Game

More precisely the title of this should be to get the 'Right Grip' and that means get one that is specifically correct for you.

You can't expect the grip on your golf club to be the optimum size for both you and someone else with bigger or smaller hands.

How can the grip on the golf clubs of a large man be the right size for both him and that tiny old lady playing alongside him?

What is right for her will probably be too small for him and a grip that is too small will make him tend to hold the club too tight.

Instantly there will be a problem with his swing if he is holding too tight.
Just changing the grip to a bigger one can alter a game dramatically.

Your hands are your link to the golf clubs and everything that goes on below that point.
Your contact point with the clubs needs to be correct if you are expected to play well.

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